Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Cranky at 7 Weeks

So, I'm now at 7 weeks. I'm cranky tonight and I also feel so full and yucky. Most foods don't sound good these days, especially proteins, like meat and eggs. Mostly the meat tho. I have been trying to eat sweet potatoes, avocados, beans; thinks like that. Tonight I had some homemade gluten-free pancakes and nonfat Greek yogurt with cinnamon and maple syrup.

This afternoon Matt and I visited the midwife from Special Beginnings, off of Lindell Street. Barbara, one of the two midwives who works there, is a beautiful woman in her mid-forties with a wonderfully warm and caring, yet professional manner. We would love to do a home birth. There is a slight risk with first-timers of delivering still born, but even with a hospital birth there are no guarantees. There's a lot to think about between risks, insurance and out of pocket costs, rather thin walls where we live now, etc. Somehow I hope the home birth thing works out for us...next week I go in for my first check up at Mercy Hospital. That's my plan B.

Got to get on a regular exercise program. Have gone on a few walks, but that's about it.

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