Monday, January 14, 2008

Back to Normal, I Think

So, finally, after 3 weeks, I am in health, once again! It took so very long that I began to despair I'd ever be well. I am truly thankful. I have three jobs now. I still work one day at the optometrist's office and then recently procured a job working for a chiropractor three days a week, and for a spa on Saturday's. I'm actually typing this from the chiropractor's office. We've been rather slow today, with only three patients, so most of the day has been spent reading, looking at a magazine, and surfing the internet.
I'll probably leave at 6:30 tonight instead of the usual 7 if no one shows up.
You know, the more I go on in life, the more I realize that the passionate, the dynamic, the mind-blowing are only shadows on the wall. These are quickly evaporating sensations that in and of themselves have no merit. It is the mundane, the consistent, the settled, that have long-term meaning. It is out of these things that we must find happiness and not the other.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just wanted to comment because of your "shadows on the wall" comment brought some plato ideas to my mind and a Magreite (SP) painting of man condition.

You wrote something that really is soo true, "It is the mundane, the consistent, the settled, that have long-term meaning." I just wrote about this on my theology board at work, at least what I think relates to your statement. I wrote a blurb on what is "Absolute". It is never changing, always will be, inmovable, perfect, complete, self sustaining and is more than enough to fulfill us.